Did you know that the recycling of Commercial and Demolition (C&D) material in the City of Montebello is Mandatory?
The Montebello Municipal Code sets for the parameters for C&D Recycling and has adopted the California Green Building Code Standards and codified them in the various Municipal Code Chapters including Chapter 8.12 and 15.60.
As part of the City's mandatory reporting of C&D material, any person, contractor, business, property owners, or tenant that engages in any activity that results in the creation of material considered to be construction & demolition, as defined by the Montebello Municipal Code, shall submit to the City a Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan prior to commencing any associated activities on any parcel, public or private, within the City. The Mandatory C&D Waste management Plan can be found in the links below.
Additionally, According to Chapter 8.12.070 - Construction and demolition debris collection, unless otherwise specified in the Montebello Municipal Code, only those persons duly licensed and franchised pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 8.12 may furnish collection services for C&D debris to any location in the city. This means that only those non-exclusive franchise permitted to operate in the City may provide Construction and Demolition collection services.
While the following Sections are intended to provide a general understanding of the requirements, they are not intended to be an all-inclusive list of requirements and/or regulations.
Section 8.12.010 of the Montebello Municipal Code defines "Construction and Demolition Debris" or "C&D debris" means waste products and recyclables resulting from the construction, remodeling or demolition of building and other structure including, but not limited to, wood, metals, concrete, brick, clay, glass, plastics, dirt, asphalt, cement, lumber, wallboard, roofing material, ceramic tile, plastic pipe, and excluding putrescibles, garbage, and liquid wastes.
8.12.040 - Obligation to arrange for disposition - Any person collecting or transporting solid waste, recyclables, or C&D debris within the city shall be responsible for arranging for the disposition of any materials collected or transported and shall arrange for such disposition in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local regulations and laws.
8.12.120 - Construction and demolition debris collection—Requirements - All solid waste haulers providing construction and demolition debris collection services shall to the extent economically feasible, provide construction and demolition waste recycling services to accounts served. All materials, disposed, scavenged or salvaged or in other ways diverted from landfills or solid waste facilities are included in this section. (Ord. 2267 § 1 (part), 2003).
Additional information can be found in Chapter 8.12 of the Montebello Municipal Code.
Chapter 15.60 - California Green Building Standards Code
15.60.010 - Adoption - Subject to certain changes and amendments set forth in Chapter 15, the city council has adopted the California Green Building Standards Code, 2016 edition with errata (Title 24, Part 11, California Code of Regulations), and is also called the CALGreen Code, as published by the California Building Standards Commission (hereinafter referred to as the "code"),as the green building regulations for the city. The code provides minimum standards for the purpose of improving public health, safety and general welfare by enhancing the design and construction of buildings through the use of building concepts having a positive environmental impact and encouraging sustainable construction practices in planning and design, energy efficiency, water efficiency and conservation, material conservation and resource efficiency and environmental air quality. One copy of the code is on file in the office of the city clerk for public inspection, and the same is made a part hereof as though fully set forth in this chapter. (Ord. No. 2336, § 46, 3-10-2010; Ord. No. 2347, § 10, 12-14-2011; Ord. No. 2356, § 38, 2-26-2014; Ord. No. 2392, § 40, 1-25-2017)
Additional information can be found at the following link: https://library.municode.com/ca/montebello/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=TIT15BUCO_CH15.60CAGRBUSTCO
Effective January 1, 2017, California’s Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen) required the diversion of at least 65 percent of the construction waste generated during most “new construction” projects (CALGreen Sections 4.408 and 5.408). Subsequent amendments have expanded upon what types of construction are covered. Please refer to the table located at the following link (https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/6398f624-dd10-43a6-bb4c-bed9e070f3a1/downloads/1csrs15em_15097.pdf) to see what the current requirements. Please remember, this does not represent a complete list of requirements and please note that you should contact the Montebello Building & Safety Division at (323) 887-1200 extension 497, or via email at buildingsafety@cityofmontebello.com. Additional information can also be found n the City’s website at http://www.cityofmontebello.com/department/planning-community-development/building-safety-division.html
The California Green Building Standards Code—Part 11, Title 24, California Code of Regulations—known as CALGreen, is the first-in-the-nation mandatory green building standards code. In 2007, CBSC developed green building standards in an effort to meet the goals of California’s landmark initiative AB 32, which established a comprehensive program of cost-effective reductions of greenhouse gases (GHG) to 1990 levels by 2020.
CBSC has the authority to propose CALGreen standards for nonresidential structures that include new buildings or portions of new buildings, additions and alterations, and all occupancies where no other state agency has the authority to adopt green building standards applicable to those occupancies.
The California Building Standards Code is a compilation of three types of building standards from three different origins:
All occupancies in California are subject to national model codes adopted into Title 24, and occupancies are further subject to amendments adopted by state agencies and ordinances implemented by local jurisdictions’ governing bodies.
Effective January 1, 2017, CALGreen required the diversion of at least 65 percent of the construction waste generated during most “new construction” projects. Subsequent amendments have expanded upon what types of construction are covered. Every three years the California Building Standards Commission adopts new and/or updated model codes. Effective January 1, 2017, CALGreen mandates permitted new residential and non-residential building construction, demolition and certain additions and alteration projects to recycle and/or salvage for reuse a minimum 65 percent of the nonhazardous construction and demolition (C&D) debris generated during the project (CALGreen sections 4.408, 5.408, 301.1.1 and 301.3). New construction and demolition projects with a combined disposal weight of less than 4 lbs/ft2 in low rise (3 stories or less) new residential structures and 2 lbs/ft2 in non-residential and high rise (4 stories or more) residential buildings meet the 50 percent minimum diversion requirement. Additions to non-residential buildings or structures of at least 1,000 square feet or alterations with an estimated construction cost of at least $200,000 shall divert from landfills at least 65 percent of nonhazardous C&D materials. Additions and alterations to residential buildings that increase the structure’s conditioned area, volume or size are also required to meet the 65 percent minimum diversion requirement. Enforcing agencies can require contractors to develop and maintain a waste management plan and/or utilize a waste management company that certifies a minimum 65 percent waste diversion.
For more information on CALGreen's waste diversion requirements, visit the FAQ page.
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Commercial & Demolition Recycling
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