Going Green is a simple method of changing the way we think. The way we think about recycling, trash, organic material, water usage and conservation, and even the way we shop. Simply stated, Going Green is changing your mindset for a greener environment.
Going Green, a concept that is founded in the principles of the City’s waste reduction and recycling efforts and the implementation of an annual Go Green recycling awareness day and festival. The events demonstrate the City’s desires to increase the awareness of recycling and going green.
To assist in going green, the City offers various programs to help residents and businesses reduce their waste and divert the amount of waste material generated and sent to the landfill.
Businesses can contact the City or go to the “Commercial/Business Services” page on this website to arrange for a Free business evaluation that will provide information on how to reduce their solid waste footprint, increase recycling, and possibly reduce their associated costs.
Multifamily property owners and businesses can get free assistance on developing recycling programs and reducing waste to comply with current and future state mandates.
We are continuing to develop and implement programs to make the recycling of beverage containers and other materials easier for residents and businesses and have developed programs to raise awareness of recycling and other environmental programs.
As part of Going Green, we are constantly working with our haulers and recyclers to provide cost effective programs to help reduce the amount of waste material generated in Montebello and through the implementation of the annual business recycling survey designed to gauge the success of the programs we are able to enhance our programs and address any concerns that may arise.
When businesses talk about “Sustainability” they are not only thinking about environmental impacts, but the economics of sustainability! The programs that we have developed address the mandates set forth in both Assembly Bills 341 and AB1826 by working directly with community, businesses and area utilities to further develop and promote a comprehensive approach to sustainability.
Participants in this program are recognized by the City as achieving the highest level sustainability and are widely publicized as part of the City's Go Green Program.
The City of Montebello “Go Green”, has designed a sustainable business program that will allow Montebello businesses to proudly display their commitment to helping the City Go Green. Designed to comply with AB341 and AB1826, we have developed a “Go Green Business Certification Program” designed to promote a business’s compliance with sustainable programs that are considered to be “Green” in application, and sustainable in practice. The program has been designed to exceed State mandated legislative enactments and increase the City’s ability reduce waste and increase recycling.
The “Go Green Business Program” encompasses four levels, each level is designed to enlist a variation of environmental programs to reduce the impacts on the environment and once approved by the City, will be accompanied by a window decal for display. Go Green compliance levels and criteria are referenced below:
Please click on the link below to access application forms or to find out how to request assistance on “Going Green”
Helping Businesses Go Green is our goal